Created by John Hunter Blair. One of the longest-serving Blue Peter presenters ever, we almost can't picture the show without thinking of Konnie. Mwaka Mudenda, known as Mwaksy, will be joining the CBBC show from Thursday. Blue Peter usually introduces its new presenters doing something dramatic and daring, like jumping out of a plane. Blue Peter has a new presenter! During her time on the show she went free-fall parachute jumping with the RAF. Blue Peter is 60 on 16th October 2018, so we thought we'd check in with some of the past presenters and see how they have changed since their time on Blue Peter! British childrens magazine program which has run since the end of the 50s. The show has different segments where the presenters would show the viewers how to make things, how to care for your pet, and other features. With Christopher Trace, Konnie Huq, Leila Williams, Valerie Singleton. Janet Ellis was a Blue Peter presenter between 1983 and 1987. Aimed at kids from the age of about 6-14. She is seen below with Goldie and K9 from Doctor Who. Blue Peter badges were re-introduced on 19 June 2006, under a new system in which all current holders of a Blue Peter badge and those who win a badge will also need to be issued with a photo ID card.

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