The Shining's iconic twin sisters, played by Louise and Lisa Burns in 1980, are now totally unrecognisable nearly two decades after the film was released. The creepiest twins from Stanley Kubrick's classic The Shining. Lisa and Louise Burns, aka the creepy twins from "The Shining," are all grown up but still down to play 37 years after the film's 1980 release. That's because he's a weird little shit too. Louise Burns was born in 1968. The Shining remains at the top of many a ‘best ever horror movies’ list, but few film fans know what life was really like on set of the 1980 classic.. THEY shot to fame as the creepy twins from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, but of course, Lisa and Louise Burns are all grown up now. Here is your chance to get an item autographed by both of the twins! The role wasn't originally meant to go to twins, but Kubrick was so taken by the fact that Lisa and Louise moved and spoke in unison so often, he rewrote the part, which was meant for sisters several years apart in age to be identical twins, and cast Lisa and Louise. ‘The Shining’ is one of the most unsettling movies ever made and has been chilling audiences for decades, firmly establishing Stanley Kubrick as one of the finest directors of his generation. The Shining by Cheyenne Randall See more See all photos. By Minnie Wright PUBLISHED: 13:55, Thu, Apr 13, 2017 Louise Burns was born in 1968. In The Shining these weird little twins want to play with Danny. Trivia (2) Add an autograph from the twins to your horror autograph collection today! The Shining twins, Louise and Lisa Burns, still remember Kubrick fondly. She is an actress, known for The Shining (1980), Kids (1979) and From Borehamwood to Hollywood: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Elstree (2014). All of the items come with Becke Lisa & Louise Burns Lisa & Louise are best known as the Grady Twins. She is an actress, known for The Shining (1980), Kids (1979) and ... Born: 1968 Photos.

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