See more ideas about Kip pardue, Remember the titans and Hollister models. Kip Pardue, Actor: Remember the Titans. See exclusive photos and pictures of Kip Pardue from their movies, tv shows, red carpet events and more at

He graduated in 1998 with a degree in Economics. Kip Pardue on Netflix This is a regularly updated list with movies, series and documentaries with Kip Pardue on Netflix. The next year he was recruited to play football by Yale University.

Mar 17, 2015 - Explore anamdrewad's board "Kip Pardue" on Pinterest. It's official: Kip Pardue has been cast as the new resident nurse and love interest to Linda Cardellini's Sam on ER, sources confirm. He grew up playing football and baseball and graduated from Dunwoody High School, located in Atlanta, Georgia in 1994. The best rated item with Kip Pardue on …

Compare Kip Pardue movies, TV shows & more to other celebs like Ryan Hurst and Wood Harris. He's slated to debut on Nov. 30. Kip Pardue was born in Atlanta, Georgia on September 23, 1975. He's slated to debut on Nov. 30.

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Kip Pardue - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm.

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